Join me and Get In Shape. I will be doing this by eating healthy and exercising.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Friday, January 4, 2013
Eating Fruit to Lose Weight - Eating Healthy Tips to Change Bad Habits
Eating Fruit to Lose Weight
When you want to lose weight you do not have to starve yourself and count calories. Actually eating healthy will let you eat more with less calories without storing fat. That's why I have been eating fruit to lose weight when I want a snack instead of all the junk food I used to eat. I also eat vegetables and drink smoothies. In the past when I was sitting around watching TV, I would eat loads and loads of crappy junk food like Doritos and I would eat a family size bag all in one night. Making simpleWednesday, December 19, 2012
How to Lose 5 Pounds in 2 Days
How to Lose 5 pounds in 2 Days
There are so many diets out there. How do you know if they if they really work or you just wasted even more money on another Fad diet? If your really wondering how to lose 5 pounds in 2 days then please watch the video below. After all I am trying to get in shape just like you!I have tried a Fad Diet Once
I can understand your frustration with trying to lose weight. I once tried one of those fad diets you see online,
Monday, October 22, 2012
Health Benefits to Drinking Hot Lemon Water and Cold Lemon Water to Lose Weight
Oh my gosh people, there were some unexpected results after I made that video about drinking hot lemon water video and cold lemon water video! I felt so good the next day I felt I needed to make a second video to let you know! So, please check that out and I will have it posted on this post.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Pre-Workout Warm Up Exercise
Pre-Workout Warm Up
A good warm up before you workout will help prevent injury. I say in the video that you can almost do anything for your pre-workout warm up exercise and that is true. You basically want to do light cardio workout to get the blood flowing and warm up your muscles. Please subscribe to my You Tube channel and Join this blog.
Yes I know I am not in the greatest shape at the current time. However, I hope you join me and get your butt off the couch and get in shape together.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
What are the Side Effects of Diet Pills? Dangers of Diet Pills
What are the Side Effects of Diet Pills
Look, I understand how hard it is to lose weight. I know it can be frustrating and depressing when you don't see the results. There are many diet pills that say they will melt the fat away and this can be very tempting to give it a try! However, before you give any of these a try you really need
Saturday, August 25, 2012
The Benefits of Drinking Water to Lose Weight
The Benefits of Drinking Water to Lose Weight
What are The Benefits of Drinking Water? How does drinking water help you lose weight? Well, I hope to answer both of these questions and more.
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