Monday, October 22, 2012

Health Benefits to Drinking Hot Lemon Water and Cold Lemon Water to Lose Weight

Oh my gosh people, there were some unexpected results after I made that video about drinking hot lemon water video and cold lemon water video! I felt so good the next day I felt I needed to make a second video to let you know! So, please check that out and I will have it posted on this post.

In this post I will also go into detail about health benefits and weight loss possibilities of drinking cold and hot lemon water so please check it out.

So what are the health benefits to drinking lemon water?

OK, I first want to talk about eating lemon peel. Yes I know that most of you won't even do or try this. However, if you do eat the lemon peel only eat small amounts a day. Like half the rind from one lemon wedge that you put in your hot lemon water. You do not and should not eat a lot of this!

When I made that video above here it was the first time I ever ate Lemon peels. Well, because I kept screwing up the video I had to remake it about 10 times and I ended up eating more than one whole lemon. To be completely honest I have had to pass a bowel movement every other hour for the last 2 days after eating that much. So, please only eat it in small amounts.

Health benefits to eating lemon rind - If you eat small amounts of lemon peels daily you can improve your food digestion, immune system, increase your blood circulation and lower blood pressure.

Lemon peels have powerful limonene, flavonoids, and rutin in the peel.
  • Limonene has been used to naturally detoxification of the liver and help fight cancer!
  • Flavonoids have these health properties - Anti-allergic, Anti-cancer, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-viral. Flavonoids have been studied and have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease.
  • Rutin, recent studies on rutin have found that it could prevent blood clots and reduce the chances of stroke and heart attacks. Rutin is also an antioxidant.
With all that said eating the lemon peel is totally up to you. I personally will continue doing this in small amounts daily when I drink my hot water with lemon.


OK, just to let you know that I did have some light stomach cramps after I ate that much lemon peels. Like I say above to much of a good thing can be bad!

So What are the health benefit to drinking hot lemon water and drinking cold lemon water?

Give your immune system a boost - Lemons are high in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds and the flu. If you add lemon to hot water with a little honey it is also great for sore throats. They're high in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve function. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.

Lemon helps balance your PH levels - If you drink lemon water everyday and you'll reduce your body’s overall acidity. Lemon is high in citric acid outside the body. However, when you eat it and it metabolizes it becomes alkaline.

Lemon water helps you lose weight - Lemons are high in pectin fiber, this will help fight hunger cravings naturally. It also has been shown that people who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster. Plus, if you drink 2 or 3 eight ounce glasses of water before every meal you will fill yourself up and will eat less. This is great if you are like me and don't know when to stop eating. So, please read Benefits of Drinking Water to lose weight.

Drinking lemon water daily will help aid in digestion - Drinking warm lemon water or hot lemon water will help you flush out your digestion system. When your digestion system is working better it will help reduce heartburn and constipation.

Clear smooth skin - Drinking lemon water on a regular bassist will help reduce wrinkles and blemishes. Lemon water has antioxidants that help keep your skin looking young and smooth. You can also rub lemons on scars to help heal them.

I personally started drinking hot lemon water in the morning before my coffee if I even have any. I will also drink hot lemon water in the evening sometimes but not every night. As you see in the first video I make up a bunch of lemon water and put that in the fridge and drink that all day long.

Even if it doesn't help me as much as I think it does, it is still work the vitamin C and it makes my water taste really good.


  1. I was glad ro give this a try as water is just so plan I was having a hard time getting it all in. Adding lemon has helped me do this. And I can honestly say that most of these benefits have been there for me also. I will continue to do this. Thanks for the tip... keep them coming!

  2. I started doing the lemon water in November and December! Even when I was away on vacation I would ask for water with a lemon wedge and then sqeeze the lemon juice in the water. It has cleared my skin and I was so happy about that. Right now, I am trying to lose weight and have been focusing on lemon water and exercise. I am having some green tea also. I just got back from another vacation and wasn't able to do as much lemon water, but am sure making up for it today!!!

    Thanks for all you do and keep up the good work! :-)

  3. Was your profile picture your first photo before doin this? I must say, It's effective. I'll be tryin' this out. Gonna update you after some months. Thanks for the blog.

    1. Yes I took this picture when I first started doing this and I will be placing a after picture next to it when I am finally in shape!

  4. Lee, I appreciate learning about your Lemon and Water Routine/Regime to aid in over all health as well as weight loss! It is simple, but very effective! (I also like your great idea of drinking 16 - 24 Ounces of water before each meal!) I would like to ask you: Into the gallon jug of water, do you also ADD THE JUICE OF 4 SQUEEZED LEMONS -- as well as place ALL OF THE RINDS into the jug? OR: Do you simply just put 4 cut up Lemons (with rinds) into the gallon of water? Thank you, Lee!
    ~ Julie

    1. Julie, I squeeze the lemons in the 2 gallon jug and I add the the whole lemons to soak in the water. I also get rid of those used lemons and use new ones each time I make a batch.

  5. Are the effects the same with cold water and lemon?

    1. I think so, I drink it both ways and love it!


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