Friday, August 16, 2013

Yummy Green Smoothie Recipe with Bananas Oranges and Apples

Green Smoothie Recipe

This is my favorite green smoothie recipe. I love the taste of bananas and oranges together. If you are new to drinking green smoothies then I recommend that this be your first one. It is very simple to make and you can use a standard blender like I use or a blender that is made for smoothies. I will tell you that if you use a regular blender just blend it a little longer and it will be smooth enough to drink through a straw.

There are many green smoothie Recipes out there and I will not make the claim that mine are better than anyone elses. All I will say about them is that they are healthy and full of yummy goodness. Drinking a smoothie a day will help you get vitamins and minerals that you might be missing in a natural way.

Monday, July 29, 2013

5 Tips to Begin Healthy Living

5 Tips to Begin Healthy Living

Five Tips to Begin Healthy Living: By Justin Glenn
Working out is essential to living healthy. But as a rookie the workout scene can often be intimidating. Actually, overwhelming might be a better way to describe it. There are so many products, so many ideas, and so many myths that have been spread about training and fitness that even experienced individuals can become confused. Here are five tips that will help clear the air and assist you on your journey to shaping yourself!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Health Benefits of Kale

Health Benefits of Kale

There are many health benefits of kale. If you are getting in shape or you're wanting to change your diet to start eating a lot more healthy then you can not go wrong by eating more Kale!

However, many people tend to stay away from this food because they just don't know how to cook it or what kind of dishes to put it in. Well I will make this very simple. Just mix it into your salads or do what I do and put it into your green smoothies and just drink it down and let me tell you that it taste great

Friday, May 3, 2013

Health Benefits of Lime Water and Does Lime Water Help You Lose Weight

Benefits of Lime Water

There are many health benefits of lime water and I will list them below. I will also talk a little bit about how lime water can help you lose weight. However, I must admit that I recently just started drinking lime water. I have been drinking regular water and lemon water both of these have health benefits as well. My plan now is to mix it up, drink some lime water then lemon water and regular water throughout the week. That way I do not get bored with a single flavor and I can weep the health benefits to all three! I do not add any sugar to my lime water! If you need or want something sweet and you still want it to be healthy

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Break Bad Eating Habits - True Story of My Stuggle

Bad Eating Habits

It is really hard changing bad eating habits. I know from my own experiences that the struggles to deal with cravings can be overwhelming. Please watch this video to understand how hard it was for me to change how I eat. Knowing how to change bad eating habits will make the difference between success and failure! So you can either eat right and lose weight and keep it off or gain it all back when you fail your diet!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Eating Fruit to Lose Weight - Eating Healthy Tips to Change Bad Habits

Eating Fruit to Lose Weight

When you want to lose weight you do not have to starve yourself and count calories. Actually eating healthy will let you eat more with less calories without storing fat. That's why I have been eating fruit to lose weight when I want a snack instead of all the junk food I used to eat. I also eat vegetables and drink smoothies. In the past when I was sitting around watching TV, I would eat loads and loads of crappy junk food like Doritos and I would eat a family size bag all in one night. Making simple
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